“Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
Everybody talking to their pockets
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich…”
So who will be your next wizard, Americans, to conjure up the right life within the wrong? Who will be your next dealmaker? Your next conman? Will it be another rich guy? Or another liar who asks you to read his lips? Another bigot who tells you to close your eyes and pray? Another bully who pushes the rest of the world around, the shithole countries as well as your so-called allies?
Here’s my advice, Americans: Wrap up your phony checks and balances! Behead your tyrant in the White House! Get rid of your Electoral College and your Senate in order to become a parliamentary democracy! Look in the mirror, Americans, and ask yourselves what you want to be: a bunch of racists and bigots and trigger-happy bullies like your present so-called President? Or a people of adults in the room?